Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hate "Cancel culture"? Where were you in 1492?

King Alfonso I ruled the African Kingdom of Kongo on Africa's west coast in present day Angola in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. He converted Kongo to Catholicism and he and his kingdom were recognized by the Portuguese and the Vatican. He was known for his wealth and piety. He built Catholic churches in his kingdom and sent his children to be educated in Portugal.  He built a cathedral in 1491 and after the Portuguese took over his country they let it fall into ruin and claimed it had been used for "primitive rituals."  It was as if he never existed. Chances are if you're not either African OR someone who either majored or minored in history you've no idea who he is.

       Mansa Musa of the kingdom of Mali in the 14th century was the wealthiest man in the world. It's said he was the wealthiest man who ever lived. Ancient maps made in Europe in the 1300s show Musa in the center of Africa seated on a throne holding a golden sphere.  On a pilgrimage to Mecca it's said that Musa lavishly spent so much gold that he literally collapsed dozens of economies.  I'll wager you've never heard of him either.

        Over time The kingdoms of Mali, Congo, Nubia, and Zimbabwe vanished from history and the Ancient Egyptians in North Eastern Africa magically became "Europeans" or "Caucasians". Don't believe me? Go to your local libraries archives and get a history text book from the 1930s, 40s or 50s. Europe started wars in Africa to created a slave trade was to give weapons to both sides of the wars they started and encourage them to bring live, healthy prisoners to exchange for advanced weapons.
       Imagine if during the second world war aliens landed in America and offered the Allies futuristic weapons to fight the Axis and all they asked in return were that we give them German, Italian and Japanese prisoners of war whom they would dispose of for us and whom we'd never see again. Would we have taken advantage of it? What if they offered Hitler the same deal and didn't tell us about it? We could simply acknowledge the alien with advanced weaponry in this fictional scenario, OR would could merely simplify it and blame war like people of earth as being entirely responsible lest we offend and "blame" an "advanced" alien culture.

       The American conservative movement in 2020 invented the term "cancel culture" as a means of riling up their base. Like most propaganda it's short, sweet, catchy and easy to remember because of the alliteration. Conservatives invented the term to describe the crescendo of those who've spent decades calling for the removal of Confederate Statues from the American landscape who are finally being heard.
        The men and women who were offended by statues put into place during the hey-day of the Ku Klux Klan (more fun and easy to remember alliteration) in the 1920s and 30s were simply dismissed. In fact the Confederacy being commemorated with these statues in no way resembles the actual confederacy. The creators of the confederacy stated in their letters of secession from the United States that they wished to protect "the institution of slavery", yet amazingly the inventors of the Confederate myth insist that the Confederacy existed to stand up to "big government" and to protect the rights of the individual and small business man. Slaves were an afterthought in the Confederate myth, much like Alfonso I of Kongo and Mansa Musa millions of American slaves whose lives and fates were the only reason the Confederate States of America came into existence were simply "cancelled."

       American history is RIPE with cancellations. The "Thanks Giving" myth illustrates this. When Europeans arrived on what is the present day eastern United States, Native Americans welcomed them. If someone arrived on your doorstep during a hurricane would you bolt your doors and tell them to leave, or would you welcome them? Natives did the later and were surprised when Europeans let it be known that they had no intention of leaving and would in fact take MORE land.
       Save the incidents known as Prince Phillip's war and the French and Indian war it's almost as if the scores of Native Americans who lived along the Atlantic Ocean never existed. They were "cancelled" as it were as they make the narrative of people seeking "religious freedom" somewhat let's say "klunky". People whose religious text says: "Love thy neighbor as thyself", "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "whatsover you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me" and "thou shall not kill" look like thieves, murderers and hypocrites if you present them in a light OTHER than sitting at a table having a feast of Thanks Giving with the "noble savages" who had cultures and civilizations prior to the European's arrival.  Cancel them.

         Those crying the loudest of "cancel culture" want to forget "Irish need not apply" signs. They want to forget a culture which seemed to invent new stereotypes and slurs for Italians every other day. History books in these United States don't mention the thousands of Americans of Mexican descent who were in many cases 3rd generation Americans and beyond who were deported TO Mexico.
         We can stick out chest out and boast about the completion of the trans continental rail road in these United States, but conveniently forget that the Chinese who came him to be paid a fraction what white men made to work on the same rail road and faced the same discrimination, lynchings and tailor made racist laws specifically aimed at them.
        The people CRYING the loudest about "cancel culture" are the same people who seem to have "cancelled" the Jim Crow laws that  existed from the 1870s until the last of them was removed in the 1990s from history books and the American collective conscience.  We can acknowledge either a century of laws which prevented men of color from sitting on or testifying before juries, voting, going to school, holding certain professions, marrying certain people, getting bank loans, being protected from blood thirsty mobs intent on murdering them or simply entering a restaurant and having dinner and simply say that people of color never attempted to "assimilate" as groups of immigrants did.  Let's cancel a century of Jim Crow as if it never happened and simply paint Martin Luther King as a guy who wanted to use "white" drinking fountains and bathrooms and sit at the front of buses.  Let's also "cancel" the death threats he received and the fact that someone attempted to blow up the man's house while his wife and children slept.

      My point? The people complaining about a "cancel culture" only find it objectionable if they're not the ones doing the cancellation.