Monday, November 11, 2024

4th Reich (part II) Liberal Terminology (Satire)


Fellow patriots January of 2025 shall reign in the second administration of the greatest American president to ever hold the office. George Washington MERELY lead the Continental Army during the revolutionary war and served as our FIRST president. His leading an army during the whiskey rebellion was mere theatre.  Abraham Lincoln too is overrated. ANYONE could have lead our nation during the Civil War, reunited the country, ended chattel slavery, redefined citizenship and given suffrage to MILLIONS.  Big deal beard boy! Franklyn Roosevelt ONLY lead us out of the great depression and through most of world war 2, but NEITHER of these hacks ever had their names on the side of a 737, built the greatest casino ever, staged beauty pageants,  which helped to redefine the world's standard of beauty, married three supermodels, had their own line of vodka & steak or country clubs NOR gave themselves huge tax breaks. NO, only Donald J. Trump did these things.

       This saint among men has taken time from his financial empire, rigorous workout schedule (which is how he remains a svelte 210 pounds) and literary pursuits to SAVE this great nation from the horrid people who are somehow under the delusion that all within our borders are entitled to the same rights as TRUE American Patriots! While limited by the pathetic 22nd amendment which forbids anyone from being elected to the presidency more than twice, our glorious leader shall make the next four years the greatest 2nd term ever. 

       The United States somehow became a 3rd world nation in the span of four years in which President Trump was out of office. While the "fake news" reported that unemployment was at 4.2% and that interests rates were low, the AVERAGE American was paying FAR too much for eggs and gasoline. Nevermind the fact that gas prices are controlled by the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC) and that the boys in Riad, Saudi Arabia cut production and lead to a spike in energy prices, the president of the United States DIRECTLY controls these things.  You should also IGNORE the liberal media reports that the H-5 Bird flu (discovered in January of 2024) is globally responsible for the deaths of entire flocks of turkeys and chickens as well as dairy cattle or the flimsy "evidence" they cite which links that to inflated egg, chicken, turkey and beef prices. We all know that the leftist lying press has an agenda. 

      Regardless you as a patriot should be prepared for the impending glorious 2nd reign of THE Donald Trump. To that end you (and every patriot) should familiarize yourself with the nomenclature of the brave new world in which we're about to embark. Here's but an example terms liberals use with which you should acquaint yourself and I've taken it upon myself to translate them. Hopefully this helps.

Nazi: The liberals use this term to describe any patriot or REAL American. They even manufactured some stories about The American Nazi Party and Ku Klux Klan showing up at the glorious spectacles that were MAGA rallies and that they attempted to have parades to celebrate his election in 2016, or that SOMEHOW that the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia was sponsored BY the aforementioned. Everyone knows that's simply preposterous. David Duke showing up at the rally in question and speaking praise of the President was a mere coincidence. While the president and Mr. Duke agree that the HEROES of the civil war should NOT have their statues removed NOR their history erased they most CERTAINLY don't agree on anything else. 

Democrat/Liberal/Progressive: This is how Communists, Marxists and socialists describe themselves. They're under the delusion that the rest of the world doesn't see them for who they are.

Immigrant: rather than describing it to the noble people who braved the wilderness to found this country on Christian values, they use it to describe the illegal thieves, murderers, drug mules and degenerates who eat household pets who flowed through our open border.  The people who "polluted the pure blood of this great nation" as our great nation so aptly put it. These are the people who have under the Marxists have been stealing black jobs for generations. 

Palestinian:  This is simply a terrorist. The radical left refuses to acknowledge that "Palestine" has never actually existed. They pretend that the Romans kicking all the Jewish people OUT of Israel and Judea and scattering them throughout what was then the Roman empire means that Israel ceased to exist for the better part of 2000 years.  Anyone who knows history OR the Bible (which are one in the same) knows better. The Marxists want a "Palestinian" state to exist solely so that they can have an address to send their money so that they can fund wiping Israel off the map and prevent God's prophesies. 

DEI Hire: Libs like to pretend that women and people of color (especially women of color) possess the intellect and ability to function as well as high performing Alpha men. Since the early 70s their agenda has been to take slots in prestigious schools, scholarships and good jobs and give them to unqualified minorities and people of color. Products of low performing schools which  prove each day why school choice is long over due have long ruined this great country but it's all part of their plan to weaken us in the eyes of the world.

Latino:  That's simply what they want us to call "Mexicans". Libs are attempting to confuse REAL Americans with this one. We all know that everyone who speaks Spanish (except European Spaniards) are Mexicans. They can CALL themselves Hondurans, Salvadorans, Nicaraguans, Guatemalans or whatever but we know what they are. The OTHER exception is Cubans. Cubans are actually AMERICANS because Cuba used to BE part of the U.S.  Libs want us to treat Puerto Ricans LIKE Cubans, but they probably have some insidious reasoning behind it. Are there Mexican patriots? Yes. These men will usually be wearing MAGA hats and will tell you how insightful and brilliant a leader president Trump is. While checking documents is NORMALLY a good idea, these men can be given a pass as they TRULY love freedom.

Social Services: The one thing Libs love MORE than taxing hard working Americans like yourself is simply handing your money to people in housing projects who are too lazy to work in the lulls between their court dates, visits to their baby daddy/mama and prison sentences. As the incarcerated can't receive welfare checks the Marxists give your money to illegals as soon as they cross our open border while they ignore our veterans who sleep on the streets.  The Liberal media would have you believe that funding to our heroic veterans is frequently cut. This would be false. Veteran funding remains low because our fighting men and women while in their branches of service learned self reliance. They don't NEED handouts like job training.  They remain on the streets because liberals have chosen illegals OVER them.

Regulation: Liberals love killing jobs. They pretend that refineries and factories need to adhere to strict safety guidelines to protect those working in or living near them. Regulation serves no purpose other than killing jobs. The money spent to bring a factory up to code or to stop it from releasing HARMLESS substances into air and water could better be spent on creating more jobs. Scientists working for big oil and chemical companies have proven time and time again that chemical plants and refineries do NOT cause cancer. A large percentage of those living near plants and refineries are African Americans and studies have shown that African Americans are FAR more prone to cancers. The left is blaming job creators for genetics. Men with high paying jobs when they get cancer (which is rarely connected to their jobs) don't want to be taken care of by some nanny state. They want to go home to spend time with their families before they ultimately meet the lord.

History: The liberal agenda has distorted the meaning of this word. It is how they indoctrinate. It no longer tells the story of the renaissance which brought Europe prominence through intellectual growth. It exaggerates the achievements of so called "civilizations" in the Americas, Asia and believe it or not AFRICA of all places. They say things like Africa & Asia never HAD "dark ages" and therefore didn't NEED a renaissance, but this is mere liberal "spin". Libs claim the Chinese mastered boat building and navigated the Yellow River, but ignore that they didn't circumnavigate the globe. Asia may have had teas, spices and silks, but so does the average convenience store. Libs also like to pretend "Kingdoms" like Kongo, Mali, Nubia and Zimbabwe existed. They can look at any mud hut and call it a thriving civilization so as to deny Europeans bringing both Christianity AND Civilization to the backward people of Africa.  

        In their "woke" delusion they also falsely claim that Judaism and Christianity made it as far south as Ethiopia and that the Ethiopia of today is the SAME one mentioned in the Bible. Any thinking person  knows that isn't true.  Europeans spared savages around the world  but never get credit for it from Libs. 

Church-State: Liberals simply don't like Christianity OR Christians. They have waged a war on Christianity AND Christians since the 1950s. They pretend that "in God we Trust" hasn't always been on our money OR that "one nation under God" hasn't always been in our pledge of allegiance. Lately they've been spreading the malicious lie that the Puritans didn't celebrate Christmas OR that it was once illegal and considered a "pagan" holiday in the Massachusetts bay colony. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Male/Female: Libs don't know what these actually are. Simply ignore them if they mention either. They seemingly have 1000 pronouns for everyone and get offended if you don't use the right one as they change them weekly. 

Choice: The Marxists all claim to be pacifists but believe in murdering the innocent. We all know that babies are created by god the exact second a sperm contacts an egg, but libs don't see it that way. They believe that murdering this newly formed human should be done as a form of birth control. The like pretending that there are instances where mothers can't carry these miracles to term to justify this "murder" but it's just more leftist propaganda. The libs want you to believe that there are tens of thousands of cases of rape and or incest and that these young women should be allowed to terminate these gifts from God rather than giving them up for adoption to good Christian families.

Income Equality/Living Wage: This is simply communist dogma for the redistribution of wealth that Marx programmed them to want. Dems act as if working entitles one to a salary commensurate with the duties performed. If they think a job doesn't pay enough, they're free to find another  as no one is forcing them to stay where they are. If they want to make more money they should get more training or education but think these things should be free. Libs want EVERYTHING to be free.

Protest: Liberals in the cities they run frequently allow riots but pretend that these riots are somehow civil rights protests, yet when REAL patriots protest, libs call these "riots" and insurrections. They show how they're the TRUE racists by saying that "black lives matter" while taking offense when reminded that the lives of ALL people matter. They seem to spread the myth of "police brutality" as if those who found themselves being shot or beaten by the cops were fully compliant.  They act as if ANTIFA are "anti-fascists" who exist solely to respond to the alleged violent acts committed by the American Nazi party and Ku Klux Klan, but they are simply home grown terrorists who oppose the 2nd amendment rights of hard working Americans.

Feminism: Libs simply don't like White, Christian Alpha-Males. They say things like "every man is a potential rapist" and try to paint every sexual encounter (even consensual ones) as some kind of sexual assault. It's simply part of their twisted agenda which includes telling women to leave the home and jeopardizing the institution of marriage ...which we all know can ONLY exist between a man and woman. Liberals hate families.

Nationalism: This is what the Libs call "Patriotism." The idea of loving the greatest country the world has ever seen offends the communists so much that they have to try to give it a negative connotation. 

Dictator: This is what the left calls strong leaders like Vladimir Putin and the most incredible president in American history. Libs don't like the idea of a macho, manly man not taking "no" for answer and doing what needs to be done. Real men don't care about people's "feelings", they do what they do because they know they'll get results. Libs don't like results unless those results equate babies being murdered after birth or boys playing girls sports.

This is but a sample of the code in which they speak.  This list would have been longer, but that would have required my LISTENING to them and what real American wants to listen to libs?  Fear not fellow patriots. The promised mass deportations (with help from the Army and national guard) will begin in the spring. Hopefully many of them will fall in line and see the error of their ways, but in the event that they don't be mindful of the "Enemies of the State" of which the most intelligent president  even spoke. The next four years will be filled with more freedom and economic opportunity than you could ever possibly imagine. The weak and unstable dollar will be replaced by an all powerful crypto-currency and maybe just maybe the house and senate will declare martial law so that President Trump's selfless service to this great nation can extend to the remainder of his days rather than a piddly four year term. And who knows maybe in his infinite wisdom he may anoint Don Jr, Eric or Ivanka to shoulder the mantle of leadership.