Friday, April 16, 2010

Iesvs Christ! He's back!

Iesvs. Consider the fact that the letter "J" didn't exist in Latin and the letter "v" was used the same way that the letter "u" is. Hence the word "virtue" would have been written "virtve". That being said Lets go to today's topic Iesvs or as we spell it today "Jesus".
When ever you turn on your TV 24 hours a day there is someone telling you about Jesus. Jesus walked the earth 2000 years ago and was followed by a loyal group of guys (one of whom betrayed him) where upon he was crucified and became the basis of first a faith then a religion.
What's the difference? A faith is a belief, a religion is simply a set of actions that are repeated faithfully.
That being said whenever I turn on my TV someone or something is telling me that Jesus is my lord and savior. That's a pretty positive message. Do I believe it? Yes I do. Men and women are on my television telling me that Jesus not only loved me but died to redeem me in the eyes of the almighty father/creator of all. Do I believe this. I actually do. These men and women (a majority of whom seem to be from the American south) are telling me 24 hours a day that Jesus talks to them and wants them to spread his word and apparently (if these men and women are to be believed) enrich themselves in the process. They wear tailored Italian suits, wear $100,000 Rolex watches, ride around in limos and private jets, and surround themselves with body guards.
I find that an interesting paradox given that the disciples who actually traveled WITH Jesus while he walked the earth didn't have a horse, chariot or wagon between them. The apostle Peter who was left to spread the Gospel after Jesus ascension into heaven wasn't clad in the finest silk or traveling with body guards. If he had been maybe the Romans wouldn't have captured, imprisoned and eventually crucified him huh. Maybe televangelist do it that way because they're learning from Peter's mistake right?
Now from what I've read the book of Revelation tells us Jesus shall return in glory and usher in the apocalypse. I say...GREAT. But I have to ponder a few things. What will happen to the televangelist? Will Jesus simply take over all of their Christian broadcasting companies with a "thank rewards shall be in heaven?" As they say they're doing it all "for the lord" will they relinquish their mansions, leer jets, expensive wardrobes, limos, Rolexs and other trappings that to the skeptic merely appear to be "bling" and "excess?" As they've said it's all about spreading God's word, I'm sure they will.
Will the son of God tell these men and women to walk from town to town in their geographic areas (Jesus and his disciples walked every where even though there were horses, wagons and chariots) and spread his word (without collection plates) to all who can hear them? I'm sure he would. Jesus said that following him was NOT an easy path and that his followers would be persecuted and their faith would be tested.
Would the men and women who've dedicated their lives to appearing on TV in mega-churches simply let Jesus have what they claim they built FOR him and "render onto God...that which is God's"? Of course they would. After all, they've been saying these many years that they were doing it all for Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Think of it, these men and women would be rewarded in the greatest way possible, they would be able to remember what Jesus said to a rich man about selling all he had and giving the money to the poor. They would earn the title of disciple and would live in the same poverty in which Jesus' ORIGINAL disciples did! And the best part is, all of these men and women would be both happy and honored to do so! We know this because each has told us as much. Unless of course they're liars and hypocrites who're only in it for the money, and we all know THAT isn't the case right?


mykgerard said...

it's just not Christianity if it doesn't have the spirit of Christ in it.

Harbinger of Truth said...

Yeah but if he came back tomorrow would the guys at the Trinity Broadcast network pretty much hand over the entire tax free corporation to him? If he does...and they do...then I'll take back everything I ever said about them.